Interzone with Chris Phillips playlist for 03/07/2009

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Joy Divisioninterzonewarsaw demos
the necksabillerachemist
Anthony Braxton-William Parker-Milford Gravessecond meetingbeyond quantum
moody wallen phantasm bandmoody on interzonepicture yrself*
dialing incars move so fastketalysergicmetha mother
people like uswouldn't it be noisewfmu special free download
sun city girlsradio moroccogrotto of miracles
your dj speaks
fast n' bulbousblabber n' smokewaxed oop*
showcase showdownbark the voteappetite of kings
black timerepulsiondouble negative*
sonic youth(i got a) catholic blocksister
marco beneventonow they're writing musicme not me*
genesis p orridge & thee early wormearly worm
your dj speaks
yura yura teikokuaitsu no theme3x3x3
the congossodom and gomorrowheart of the congos
brian enobaby's on firehere come the warm jets
the submarinesboys don't cryjust like heaven: a tribute to the cure*
japantherboys don't cryskuffed up my huffy
your dj speaks
lee perry and the upsettersevil tongueapeology
camper von beethoventhe day lassie went to the moontelephone free landslide victory
the bad pluslong distance runaroundfor all i care*
pavementthe killing moonbrighten the corners: nicene creedence ed.*
Robyn Hitchcock & The Venus 3what you isgoodnight oslo*
mission of burmaspider's webthe obliterati
your dj speaks
the angel slutslock and loaddesigner heat*
dc snipersmeterlost lp
joy divisiondisorderunknown pleasures
submarine racesaccidentshard to look at easy to see*
the moody wallen phantasm banduntitledthe moody wallen vs artie, part one
fas 'n' bulbouschina pigwaxed oop*

Dedicated to Niles, we will always love and miss you...