Purple Starlight playlist for 09/08/2014

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Buddy Merriamextra specialBack Roads Mandolin
buddy merriambatchin itBack Roads Mandolin
Buddy Merriamdevine timeBack Roads Mandolin
Buddy Merriamharmony's waltzBack Roads Mandolin
Buddy Merriamcircle of chiefsBack Roads Mandolin
Buddy Merriamriverhead polkaBack Roads Mandolin
Buddy Merriamgypsy tears of joyBack Roads Mandolin
Buddy Merriamglenshane passBack Roads Mandolin
Buddy Merriamputnam valley flashBack Roads Mandolin
The Gibson Brothersdusty old worldThey Called It Music*
The Gibson Brothershome on the riverThey Called It Music*
The Gibson Brothersi will always cross your mindThey Called It Music*
The Gibson Brotherssundown and sorrowThey Called It Music*
Daniel Smithnight trainSmokin' Hot Bassoon Blues*
Daniel Smithback at the chicken shackSmokin' Hot Bassoon Blues*
Daniel Smithwhat'd i saySmokin' Hot Bassoon Blues*
Daniel Smithblue sevenSmokin' Hot Bassoon Blues*
hutcherson/sanborndeliaenjoy the view*
hutcherson/sanborndon isenjoy the view*
hutcherson/sanbornhey haroldenjoy the view*
hutcherson/sanbornlittle flowerenjoy the view*
hutcherson/sanbornmontaraenjoy the view*
Grateful DeadU.S. blues01.22.78 eugene oregon
Grateful Deadscarlet begonias05.08.77 barton hall, cornell university
Grateful Deadfire on the mountain05.08.77 barton hall, cornell university
jerry garcia & howard walesspace funkSide Trips Vol. One

Currently on alternating Monday Mornings midnight - 3am.