Everything Is Broken playlist for 07/01/2014

OUR PROGRAM TUESDAY, 1:00PM, will focus on a variety of topics: from the Supremes' latest decisions, to the Common Core Curriculum which is reviled (for different reasons) by both the left and the right, to Iraq The Sequel, to Homeland Security, and finally to our local community arts scene.

Our featured guest is Dave Lindorff, author and journalist. Dave is the founder of ThisCantBeHappening.net, a consortium of progressive bloggers that now have the dubious distinction of recently being branded a “threat” by Homeland Security! Dave’s full bio can be found at:

ALSO joining us will be Dominique Maciejka. She and I will discuss the local arts scene. Dominique is the owner of Paper Doll Vintage Boutique in Sayville, L.I., NY. Paper Doll has won first place for Long Island's Best Vintage Clothing Store in 2013 and 2014. By hosting art openings and shows at Paper Doll Vintage Boutique, she hopes to display and sell local artwork to the unique and eclectic clientele of the shop.