On Air

Epoch playlist for 02/06/2014

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Mike OldfieldOmmadawn (Part One)Ommadawn
Gentle GiantThe Advent of PanurgeOctopus
Blind ArcherIntermissionFor Aoede*
Mike OldfieldOmmadawn (Part Two)Ommadawn
Mike OldfieldOn HorsebackOmmadawn
Steve HackettHands of the Priestess, Part IVoyage of the Acolyte
Steve HackettA Tower Struck DownVoyage of the Acolyte
Steve HackettHands of the Priestess, Part IIVoyage of the Acolyte
GenesisA Visit to the DoktorArchive 1967-75
GenesisRavenArchive 1967-75
YesThe Gates of DeliriumRelayer
Iron MaidenRun to the HillsThe Number of the Beast
Pure MotionCalm Before The StormElectric Beauty Queen*
Grant's TombAquabuddhaCelebratory Sound*
RavaliasSnow DayAlmost Last
RadioheadPyramid SongAmnesiac
Big MagicStuck in the MudBig Magic*
GenesisDance on a VolcanoA Trick of the Tail

2:30 PM - 5 PM
Web only broadcast (Tower frozen)