On Air

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 12/13/2013

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Link
PandafanDon't CryPandafan*wusb.fm
PandafanI've Been WaitingPandafan*wusb.fm
PandafanBroken CrownPandafan*wusb.fm
MazarinChristmas Song!live with John O*
Grateful DeadRippleAmerican Beauty
Hott MTPeachy MermaidI Made This*
On The Might of PrincesThe Snow WatchersThe Making of a Conversation*
Snow WhatHope HelmetRok Lok Mix 2012*
Jenny HvalMephisto In The WaterInnocence Is Kinky*
Shannon and the ClamsInto The RiverDreams in the Rat House*
Diane Marie KlobaMidsummer Morning RainIt Is An Illusion*
SplashhWashed UpComfort*
Grateful DeadBig River
Arrested DevelopmentGive A Man A Fish
SounderDo The Tong

Friday the 13th!!

My guest is Capt Ralph Towlen, Shinnecock, NY.

Check out his youtube channel for Seafood Safari. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-5yst3ANk3C3W7OPgm03SA

Here's some info about his venture: Created SeafoodSafari.com and joined up with chef Kerry Heffernan (Bravo top chef masters finalist season 4) to do a show about harvesting sustainable seafood and providing professional cooking lessons.