On Air

Hot Wax
Tune in: High Low

B-side playlist for 10/09/2013

Major Lazer ft. Ezra KoenigJessica*
MGMTPlenty of Girls in the Sea*
Flying LotusMassage Situation
Washed OutAll I Know*
Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic ZerosIn the Lion*
Hanni El KhatibHead in the Dirt
Son LuxLost it to Trying
Washed OutGreat Escape*
HaimThe Wire*
BeckHell Yes
MGMTCool Song No. 2*
Galaxie 500Flowers
Miniature TigersFlower Door
Brendan FanningPost Fahey*
Ben KhanEden*
Miniature TigersCoyote Enchantment
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic ZeroesIf I Were Free*
Galaxie 500Tugboat
BibioThe First Daffodils*
Hundred WatersAre_Or*
The DrumsSearching for Heaven
The DrumsMoney
Hanni El KhatibPay no Mind*