Sunday Street playlist for 09/15/2013

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Label
Opening set: the last days of summer
Casey Neill & The Norway ratsIdyllGoodbye to the Rank & File
Dar WilliamsEnd of SummerEnd of Summerundefined
Bill MorrisseyWhen Summer's EndedYou'll Never Get to Heaven
Louise TaylorThe Last Days of SummerRide
Set # 2
Drew KennedyThe Poet at 33Wide Listener*
Greg BrownThe Poet GameThe Poet Game
Garnet RogersBetter DaysFirefly
Patty LarkinIt Could Be WorseStill Green*
Set # 3
Patty LarkinMando DrumStill Green*
Suzanne VegaBlood Makes Noise99.9 F
French, Frith, Kaiser & ThompsonPeppermint RockInvisible Means
Butcher's BlindTear It DownDestination Blues*
Set # 4
Mary GauthierWheel Inside the WheelLive at Blue Rock*
Dave Carter & Tracy GrammerI Go Like The RavenDrum Hat Buddha
The Civil WarsTell MamaThe Civil Wars*
Set # 5: phoner with Ben Reel and some of his recent songs
Ben ReelWatershedDarkness & The Light*
Ben ReelHeart Just Won't HealDarkness & The Light*
Hothouse FlowersGiving It all AwayHome
Mike ScottLong Way To The LightBring 'Em all In
James MaddockAnother LifeAnother Life*
Set # 6
Patty LarkinBon VivantsStill Green*
Tim BuckleyMorning GloryThe Peel Sessions
Richard ShindellBlue DivideBlue Divide
Wesley StaceWhat I KnowWesley Stace*
Bob DylanSummer DaysLove & Theft
Bob DylanCat's In The WellUnder a Red Sky