On Air

Sunday Street playlist for 06/17/2013

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Opening set
Aoife O'DonovanLay My Burden DownFossils*
The Stray BirdsDream In BlueThe Stray Birds
David FranceySatelliteSo Say We All*
2nd set: some songs for Father's Day
Patty GriffinIrish BoyAmerican Kid*
Tom RussellThrowing Horseshoes at the MoonThe Man From God Knows Where
Bill MorrisseyVictory at SeaCome Running
Rod PicottYour Father's TattooWelding Burns
Rod PicottWelding BurnsWelding Burns

Some songs for Father's Day, as well as previews of two upcoming waterfront festivals in our area, were featured on today's program.