On Air

Hopscotch playlist for 05/05/2013

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
HandsElegant Road*
DogbiteMy Mary*
The History of Color TVI Knew it Was Wrong But I Did it Anyway*
RatatatBare Feast
BeirutNapoleon on the Bellerophon
The Postal ServiceThere's Never Enough Time*
Maria TaylorLeap Year
Now It's OverheadBlackout Curtain
The Good LifeWaiting on Wild HorsesNovena on a Nocturne
Radiation CityForeign BodiesAnimals in the Median*
Kishi BashiI am the Antichrist to You
Explosions in the SkyYour Hand in Mine (With Strings)
The Album LeafThule
The Get Up KidsOverdue
StarsLook Up
Sufjan StevensFor the Widows in Paradise, for the Fatherless in Ypsilanti
The Second HandsOn a Grove*
The Head and the HeartWinter Song
The Four Legged FaithfulTomorrow*
Bill Ryder-JonesBy Morning I*
Kurt VileToo Hard*
So-So EchoImaginary Worlds*
Elephant StoneLooking Thru Baby Blue*
CaribouMelody Day
The ShinsA Call to Apathy
The ClienteleK
The Magnetic FieldsAbsolutely Cuckoo

Study Jamz Edition: Part Two