On Air

The Nick Show playlist for 04/16/2013

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Black Bugthreadsreflecting the light*
Bloodnstuffthe cow peoplebloodnstuff*
Skating pollyCarrotslost wonderfulls*
OaksDreaming arrowsfield beat*
Sic AlpsGod Bless her i miss herSic Alps*
hot air
Superhuman happinessElevator elationHands*
Blue HawaiiFlammarionuntogether*
Social StudiesThink of the seaDeveloper*
Bethesdaas we grow oldthe reuinion*
so-so echoimaginary worldsSo-So Echo*
Bubbly mommy Guncuckoo lungssand roses*
just alot of talk
georgianna starlingtonthe oceanpaper moon*
The oopsHappy charliehappy charlie*
Harprt simonchinese jadedivision street*
Wax Idolswhen it happensdiscipline +desire*
Bleachedsearching through the pastride your heart*
hot air
hang timeawesome/radhang time*
Ed Hale and the transcendenceI Remember youthe great mistake*
Wild NothingOnly HeatherNocturn*
The HeligoatsBack to the ache*
Shiny Darklyinto the shadeep*
Helado Negroarbolesinvisable life*
Streight Angularoh gurleveryone is syncopated ep*
NightlandsNicooak island*
The Shilohsthis is vancouver musicso wild*
Greg Boringprimitive lotionheavy syrup*