Say Whats Radio playlist for 03/17/2013

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Built to SpillThe PlanKeep It Like a Secret
DeftonesDigital BathWhite Pony
The Mountain GoatsMoon Over GoldsboroGet Lonely
Mount EerieLone BellClear Moon*
Alice in ChainsWe Die YoungFacelift
GallowsLast JuneGallows*
RefusedSummerholidays vs. PunkroutineThe Shape of Punk to Come
DeftonesWhen Girls Telephone BoysDeftones
Circa SurviveHandshakes at SunriseThe Inuit Sessions EP
Minus the BearSummer AngelOMNI
Toro Y MoiNew BeatUnderneath The Pine
The WalkmenThe WitchHeaven*
BloodnstuffGive Me A CallBloodnstuff*
The Appleseed CastOn SidewalksThe End of the Ring Wars
At the Drive-InIncetardisThe Relationship of Command
Bear vs. SharkCatamaranTerrorhawk
ApocalypticaEnter Sandman
CodesevenSounds of Cyan and MagentaThe Rescue
MorrisseyI Am Two PeopleYou are the Quarry
DIIVHow Long Have You KnownOshin*
TUURDReese's FecesI Wish My Wife Was This Dirty*
The Unstoppable Death MachinesLife is a Lot Like KindergardenAlbum*
Death from Above 1979Romantic RightsYou're A Woman I'm A Machine

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