Everything Is Broken playlist for 03/11/2013

Our show today will take a look at those that dare admit to not believing in the supernatural. Our featured guest is atheist philosopher and author James Kirk Wall. Jim has been featured often in radio and newspaper. He's an outspoken critic of religious dogma and promoter of individual freedom of thought. His latest book is "Agnosticism: The Battle against Shameless Ignorance". He blogs regularly for ChicagoNow.com http://www.chicagonow.com/an-agnostic-in-wheaton

We will also give some time at the end of the show for a Texan to rant about how off base this program has been the last two shows!! Mike Johnson of League City, Texas. 20,000 leagues under new york!

For our music … lets listen to yet another iconic Texan, near and dear and never to be forgotten – Roy Orbison. a few cuts from his live CD – "Black and White Night".