Everything Is Broken playlist for 01/22/2013

Our show tuesday will center on two topics: our first guest and I will try to answer the question: when did the “my country right or wrong” “patriots” become anti-USA government? Then with my second guest we will discuss the USA healthcare system, Obamacare and so forth.

Our first guest is David Rosman. David is the founder of InkAndVoice.com in Columbia, MO. Since 1986, David has provided contract writing, editing and editorial services for corporations and has written professional development programs for non- and for-profit as well as government corporations. He is the author or contributing editor of 12 professional development textbooks and over 70 training manuals and programs. A columnist for the Columbia Missourian (Columbia, MO), InkandVoice.com and a reviewer for the New York Journal of Books. He is faculty of Business, Speech and Political Communication at Columbia College (MO).

and … our second guest, live from in the breathtaking beauty of the WUSB studios, John Robinson, local activist and physician. John and I will discuss USA healthcare from a variety of angles, including the pros/cons of Obamacare.

For our music … some tunes from the blues/rock guitarist Joe Bonamassa.