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Hot Wax
Tune in: High Low

Cheap Thrills, with Rosanne playlist for 12/01/2012

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
The PersuasionsGood Morning to YouOn The Good Ship Lollipop
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of InventionCheepnisZappa Picks
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of InventionCheap ThrillsRuben & The Jets
Jimi HendrixMay This Be LoveAre You Experienced?
Elizabeth MitchellMay This Be LoveBlue Clouds*
DayJoyGo To Sleep, MessGo to Sleep, Mess*
Kelsea LittleGo Team, Go!Personal Myth*
Beauty PillI'm Just Gonna Close My Eyes For A SecondThe Unsustainable Lifestyle
Rickie Lee JonesOnly Love Can Break Your HeartThe Devil You Know*
Neil Young & Crazy HorseCortez the Killeren, NJ 8/17/97
ArtichokeThe Jesus-Satan Reunion TourEtchy Sketchy Skies*
ArtichokejThe Market of FarmsEtchy Sketchy Skies*
DeerhoofThere's That GrinBreakup Song*
ZammutoIdiom WindZammuto*
ZammutoF U C-3POZammuto*
Dirty ProjectorsAbout to DieAbout to Die*
BjorkThe Fluke RemixBig Time Sensuality
Dada LifeYou Will Do What WE Will DoThe Dada Life*
Howlin' WolfMr. Highway ManThe Best Of
Jon Spencer Blues ExplosionBag and BoneMeat and Bone*
Jimi HendrixThe Wind Cries MaryThe Ultimate Exoerience