On Air

Hot Wax
Tune in: High Low

B-side playlist for 11/14/2012

Keep Shelly in AthensIn Love with Dusk*
Sigur RosInní Mér Syngur Vitleysingur
Lord HuronTime to Run*
Darwin DeezUp in the Clouds*
King TuffEvergreen*
Bombay Bicycle ClubYour Eyes*
Arcade FireLenin
The LumineersHo-Hey*
Little CometsA Little Opus*
Ben GibbardBigger Than Love*
Local NativesBrother (Last Ride)*
The Sweet SerenadesCan't Get Enough*
Hey GeronimoCarbon Affair*
The Joy FormidableCholla*
Modern RivalsClocks vs. Darts*
Sun AirwayClose*
Parenthetical GirlsCurtains*
The Old CeremonyFairytales and other Forms of Suicide*
Tall ShipsGallop*
ChairliftI Belong in Your Arms (Japanese Version)*
Dum Dum GirlsI Got Nothing*
Peter Bjorn & JohnI Wish I Was a Spy*
WoodsImpossible Sky*
Tame ImpalaLed Zeppelin*
The TellersPablo Picasso*
Sea WolfPriscilla*
DeerhoofSexy, but Sparkly*
My Mechanical FriendGrace Potter & The Flaming Lips*
Jake BuggTaste It*
Two Door Cinema ClubSleep Alone*
Andrew BirdThree White Horses*
New BeardThe Unholy Mountain*
King Creosote & Jon HopkinsThird Swan*
Gypsy & the CatZombie World*
This Many BoyfriendsYoung Lovers Go Pop!*
Eye Emma JediWounded Eyes*
Third Eye BlindCan't Get Away*