The Nick Show playlist for 09/04/2012

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Label
woodswhat faces the sheetsun and shade*woodsist
Communist DaughterHeart AttackLions and lambs*
Trampled by turtlesMidnite on the interstateStars and satellites*
Dirty DishesGazethe most tarnished birds*
The Ting TingsSoul Killingsounds from nowheresville*Columbia
DarlingsideDrowning ElvisPilot Machines*s/r
Henery ManciniBaby Elephant walkHatari Sndtrack
Peaking LightsMidnightLucifer*mexican summer
BlondsMr EThe Bad Ones*
chunk blowing
Twin TipBrain DeadTwin Tip*Flower
Bear HugWhen I ShakeBill,Dance,Shiner*
HellshovelSummers OverHated by the sun*slovenly
HuskyDarl SeaForever so*
Happy New Yearwinter sunHappy New Year*
DecomposureSafety Sissorseating Chicken*
Ape SchoolMarihuanas on the doneJunior Violence*Hometapes
Hot PandaFuture MarketsGo Outside*Mint
Andy the Door BumThe Limbthe man killed the bird,the bird killed*slanty shan't
Devine FitsWould that not be nicea thing called devine fits*Merge
The PsychedRubber GlovesThe Psyched*
Dirty ProjectorsJust from Chevronswing lo Magellan*
OrmondBlank SlateMachine*Hometapes
Delicate stevePositive forcePositive force*Luaka bop