The Overnightmare playlist for 08/04/2012

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
CanMillionenspielThe Lost Tapes 1968 - 1975*
Horrid RedTragic ImageCelestial Joy LP
Fall On Your SwordThe Specialist / Am I Alone?Another Earth
BroadcastViolent PlaygroundPendulum
Igor BoxxIn FlamesBreslau
Golden RetrieverWinter LightOccupied With The Unspoken*
OlekranonTravel ScarsBarbarians*
Eric CopelandDouble Reverse PsychologyLimbo*
NihitiAnkhmazesFor Ostland*
SquarepusherDrax 2Ufabulum*
I Break HorsesI Kill Your Love, Baby!Hearts*
SlugabedIt's When the Future Falls Plop On Your HeadTime Team*
DJ FoodColours Beyond ColoursThe Search Engine*
Still CornersThe White Season / I Wrote in BloodCreatures Of An Hour*
Dorian Concept & Tom Chant / The Cinematic OrchestraDream WorkIn Motion #1*
Jherek Bischoff Feat. Carla BozulichCountingComposed*
Carlos Niño & Friends / Iasos"Listening To The Conversation Of The Birds..."Auariusssssss*
Barkin, Czerner, BoretzSt. Andrew's NightOpen Space*
Mike ScheidtUntil The End Of EverythingStay Awake*
Woods / Amps For ChristWhen / Native Chantz / Lord Bateman (Child #53) / Roto Koto In C MajorAmps For Christ*
Vertacyn Arc MaterializerWe Don't Dare or CareThat's a Negative on the Leapfrog, Captain America*
David LynchNoah's ArkCrazy Clown Time
BroadcastTears In The Typing PoolTender Buttons
The ClashDeath Is A StarCombat Rock
LelandThe Stain RemainsThe Golden West

you people are sick