Jim Dexter playlist for 05/15/2012

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Kate BushWaking the WitchHounds of Love
Shawn ColvinDiamond in the RoughSteady On
Busby MarouUnderlying MessageBusby Marou*
Over the RhineDays Like ThisThe Long Surrender
Jesse BaylinI Feel That TooLittle Spark*
Ane BrunWordsIt All Starts With One*
BryndleAll the Way GoneHouse of Silence
The Civil WarsPoison & WIneBarton Hollow*
Colin HayGathering MercuryGathering Mercury*
Jon GommRescue SongDon't Panic
Joni MitchellCase of YouBoth Sides Now
AntonymesDream 9-Towards the DreamThe Liscence to Interpret Dreams
AfroCelt Sound SystemEistigh Liomsa Sealad/Listen To Me/ Saor RepriseSound Magic, Vol.1
Beginning of the DayThe Forgotten ManBeginning of the Day
Cassandra WilsonPiperTraveling Miles
Porcupine TreeLazarusDeadwing
YesTo Be OverRelayer
Busby MarouDancing on the MoonBusby Marou*
XTCGreenmanApple Venus Vol. I
Pat MethenyAbove the TreetopsSecret Story

Jim's Show for Tuesday May 15, 2012