On Air

Tune in: High Low

Workhorse 60s at 6 playlist for 04/09/2012

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
harry nilssonjump into the fireBest Of...
Tommy James and The Shondellscrimson&cloverwolfman jacks graffiti gold
Jan & Deandrag citywolfnan jacks graffiti gold
the royal guardsmansnoopy v.s. the red baroncruisin' 67'
the surfarissurfer joesurfin sixties
music explosionlittle bit o' soulcruisin' 67'
Smokey Robinson & the Miraclesthe tracks of my tearsBest Of...
Steppenwolfmagic carpet ridecruisin' 1968
The Temptationsi wish it would raincruisin' 1968
The Driftersthere goes my babyBest Of...
The Driftersif you cryBest Of...
the seedspushin' too hardcruisin' 1966
The Left Bankewalk away reneecruisin' 1966
The Mama's & The Papa'scalifornia dreamin'cruisin' 1966
Tommy Roesweet peacruisin' 1966
Cannibal and the Headhuntersland of 1000 dances60's party rock
the markettsout of limitssurfin sixties