Primordial Sandwich playlist for 02/25/2012

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Link
SlothbearWhite ChristmasQids
MallardIggypopYes on Blood*
The BeetsLet Clock WorkLet The Poison Out*
LCD SoundsystemLosing My EdgeLcd Soundsystem
BattlesIce CreamGloss Drop
MogwaiHound of WinterEarth Division
The BeatlesTaxmanRevolver
Galaxie 500Isn't It a PityOn Fire
Dr DogThat Old Black HoleBe the void*
Xray EyeballsCold BonesSplendor Squalor*
Reading RainbowDead End7" split w super Wild horses*
Rayon BeachAirplane With Tits7" single*
WavvesI Wanna Meet Dave GrohlLIFE SUX EP*
Shadowy Men on a Shadowy PlanetHaving an Average WeekendKITH theme
PixiesCecilia AnnBossanova
This will destory youLittle SmokeTunnel Blanket
Jacques DutroncEt Moi Et Moi Et Moi
The ThermalsNow We Can See
Big D And The Kids Table`Modern American GypsyFor The Damned The Dumb and the Delirious*

6 to 930 Tech training demo recording fill in marathashamalabadongindingongisdni!!!!!!!!