On Air

The Outer Library playlist for 02/08/2012

HeadmanCome On
DonoraMancini's Dance Hall*
YelleSafari Disco club
DonoraWeekend Toungue
End of set 1
Colleen GreenGreen One*
DonoraI think I like you*
Trailer Trash Tracy'sTurkish Heights*
Deleted ScenesBurglarizing the Deaf*
Colleen GreenKayla Rolls on Molly
Phenomenal Handclap BandFollowing*
End of Set 2
HospitalityEighth Avenue*
The FantasiesTammy the Tease*
The FantasiesGimme Bubblegum!!!*
Teen RunningsWhy Does Everybody Do?*
End of Set 3
Lissy TrullieIt's Only You, Isn't It*
The Good NaturedVideo Voyeur
Now, NowSchool Friends*
Lissy TrullieMadeline (Jewellers Remix)
End of Set 4
BalueWorry Tubes
Porcelain RaftDrifting in and out*
SneakpeakThrough the Looking Glass*
End of Set 5
MemoryhouseThe Kids Were Wrong*
All in the Golden AfternoonTidal Wave
Beach HouseLover of Mine*
End of Playlist

New Underground Independent and Self Release with your host Mike Gildersleeve every other Wednesday from 10pm - 12Mid