Everything Is Broken playlist for 09/13/2011

Our featured guest is Eric Herm, farmer, author and activist. Eric is a fourth generation farmer on 6,000 acres in West Texas whose book Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth: a Path to Agriculture's Higher Consciousness sounds the alarm on GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and how “we are using poison as the basic ingredient for success in agriculture.” In it, he points specifically to corporations like Monsanto, DuPont and Cargill who are making a factory floor of our farmland. Eric will be speaking in front of the White House at The Right to Know March (to demand genetically modified foods be labeled as they are in Europe and Japan) this October. The march will begin at the United Nations on Oct.1 and end at the White House on Oct. 16. They are expecting over 1,000,000 people. http://www.sonofafarmer.com/

We will also hear from J. David Gray – our resident scribe. David has an essay for us. David’s other writings are at http://word-smith.typepad.com/wordsmith.

And, our pal Steve Wiehe will check in from Florida to give us his take on current events.

For music today we will enjoy some blues from Duke Robillard. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_Robillard