On Air

Tune in: High Low

Salvage & Recovery Radio playlist for 09/05/2011

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Label
Steve HoranMeet John OMi Mi MiSelf
pretty girls make gravesParadeElan Vital
Klase10 BurnerDeejay Tre Soca Madness 2K10
DestraFeel Like Wukindlement Out2all Soca Mix*
DestraProppadlement Out2all Soca Mix*
I George/Z RankinWe Like ItFearless Soca Mix 2009
Alison HindsSoca QueenSoca Mega Hits 2011 LP 2*
Patrice RobertsWork ItFearless Soca Mix 2009
Edwin YearwoodCarnival On My MindSoca Mix Ramajay Volume 16*
PatchRum & RotiFearless Soca Mix 2009
Machel MontanoComing AgainSoca Hits 1 S.V.*
Lil BitsHold MeFearless Soca Mix 2009
Soft CellTainted LoveNon-Stop Erotic Cabaret
Gloria JonesTainted Love
Booker T JonesEverything is EverythingThe Road From Memphis*
Buddy MilesThem ChangesThe Best of Buddy MilesMercury
Loudon Wainwright IIISchool DaysThe BBC SessionsFuel 2000
QueenSail Away SisterThe GameElektra
QueenGet Down Make LoveNews of the WorldElektra
John CageIn a Landscape
Bob NewhartRoast of Don Rickles
Bow Wow WowLouis Quatorze
YACHTBeam Me UpShangri-La*
Gary NumanThis WreckageTelekon
The SlitsTypical GirlsCut
UB40Food For ThoughtUB40 LiveVirgin Records
Charlie ParrI Dreamed of Jesse James Last Night
Bob Dylan & Johnny CashI Walk the Line
Neil Young & Crazy HorsePowder FingersLive RustReprise
Lauryn HillRepercussions
Elvis Costello & The I'sRadio SilenceWhen I Was Cruel