On Air

Tune in: High Low

Sam Taylor's Blues playlist for 09/02/2011

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Link
Sam TaylorDown In VirginiaLive at Paula Jeams
Sam TaylorChap 59Caught in the Jaws of the BLues
Sam TaylorPrayer of a BluzmanBiggest Dream
JT ColdfireCrazy SunCrazy Sun*
Rebel BluesBad habitsWell Lifes Been*
Sean chambersIN the WintertimeLive at the BLues warehouse*www.seanchambers.com
Luther AllisonI wannbe with youRuf 10th*
Bobby RadcliffHard road to TravelNatural Ball
Geoff AchinsonTake what you can getLive at St Andres Hotel*
VarioiusHowlin for my DarlinTribute to Howlin WOlf
Frank LatorreLouisiana RainKing Bee Boogie*
Jp BluesPoor Little Rich GirlI will Not Go Quietly*www.jpblues.com
sean ChambersStrong TemptationLive at the BLues Warehouse*www.seanchambers.com
Ray charlesRainy Night in GeorgiaGenuis on the Road
Ray CharlesGeorgiaBillboard
Caroline AikenWelcome HomeWelcome Home*www.carolineaiken.com
Sam TaylorTry a Little TendernessBluzman Back Home

Blues with a Feeling With L'Hommedieu