Pre-Sunrise Mix playlist for 05/25/2011

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Tomo FujitaKyotoPure Tomo Fujita
Jeffrey ClarkThe Ghost In MeIf Is*
Side FXStoriesTurning Point*
Irvin MayfieldSuper StarA Love letter To New Orleans*
Juluie WalehwaEnd Of Me InstrumentalI Mind b/w End of Me
Julie WalehwaEnd of MeI Mind b/w End of Me
Perry Lee ScratchOnce there's a will there's a wayScratch Conquered
Femi KutiNo Blame MeAfrica For Africa*
Roy GainesRock With YouRoy Gaines and his Orchestra*
Tomo FujitaThat GirlPure Tomo Fujita
Ramsey LewisAnd I love HerPlays the Beatles SongBook
Ramsey LewisBlackBirdPlays the Beatles SongBook
Ramsey LewisDay TripperPlays the Beatles Songbook
Dan BlockSecond LineFrom His World To Mine*
Walter TroutCommon GroundCommon Ground
WidehivePush and PullWidehive Players
Larry CoryellBeautiful LoveMontgomery*
Johnny CharlesMetro CityStratified
Johnny CharlesStingerStratified
Marshall Vente TrioSamba into the new ageMarshall Arts Chicago Session Series 1s
John Jensen - Robert ReddTea for TwoConversations*
Joe Magnerelli & StringsBlues For SkeeMy Old Flame*
Funk FilharmonikEverybody Get DownEverybody Get Down*
Andy FarberSpace SuitThis Could Be The Start Of Something Big*