On Air

Tune in: High Low

Interzone with Chris Phillips playlist for 05/20/2011

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Link
sonic youthdo you believe in rapture?rather ripped
your dj speaks
Black Flagi love youthe complete 1982 demos
dj skull vomittales of grugeladj skull vomit vs singaya*
venomheaven's on fireblack metal
cephalic carnagehybridexploiting dusfunction
brutal truthcornucopiain these black days vol. 2
butthole surferssweat loaflocust abortion technician
your dj speaks
davila 666obsesionaotan bajo*
aTelecinealijah's new suna cassette tape culture*
dadfaginterrogationscenic abuse*
crasspunk is deadfeeding of the five thousand
dirtbombssharevariparty store*
your dj speaks
panda bearsurfers hymntomboy*
capt. ahabdeath to false technothe propogation of the gospel of foreign*www.freemusicarchive.org
faustpythagorassomething dirty*
harald grosskopftranscendental overdrivesynthesist
ignatz"i hate this city" boogiei hate this city*
sun city girlspassenger seat peoplehorse cock phepner
your dj speaks
public image ltdphenagenflowers of romance
Omar Rodriguez Lopez & John FruscianteLOEs/t
tony conrada1let's trade pants
your dj speaks
joe lallyrevealed in feverwhy should i get used to it*
k-holesswamp firesk-holes lp*
peaking lightstiger eyes (laid back)936*
the Specialsfriday night, saturday morningsingles collection

Dedicated to the memory of Randy Poffo. Oh ... rapture!