SALVAGE & RECOVERY RADIO playlist for 04/06/2008

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)LabelLink
Steve HoranMeet John OMi Mi MiTheme Song
James BrownMother PopcornStar Time - Soul Brother No. 1
Maceo ParkerTo Be Or Not to BeRoots & Grooves*
Bootsy's Rubber BandDisciples of Funk/Jungle BassSingleMaceo Mix
Maceo ParkerPass the PeasRoots & Grooves*
Maceo Parker & Candy DulferAddicted to Love
PrincePrettymanRave Un2 The Joy FAntastic
Parliament/FunkadelicChocolate City
Maceo ParkerMaceo's GrooveFunk Overload
Bernie WorrellX-FactorBlacktronic Science
Maceo ParkerYou Don't Know MeRoots & Grooves*
Lupe FiascoParis, TokyoThe Cool
GoldfrappHappinessSeventh Tree*RPM
Zapruder PointOur Dying MallSoda & Sympathy*
The WeakerthansNight Windows
AntibalasBeaten Metal
Elvis CostelloRadio SilenceWhen I Was CruelEnd Theme