On Air

Everything Is Broken playlist for 02/16/2010

OUR FEATURED INTERVIEW will be with DON BEACHLER, Associate professor of politics at Ithaca College.
Beachler has authored numerous papers and articles on congress, elections and voter turnout, as well as two books on presidential elections: "Winning the White House, 2004: Vote By Vote, Region by Region. Coauthored with Kevin McMahon, David Rankin, and John White. Palgrave/Macmillan Press, 2005 and "Winning the White House, 2008." http://faculty.ithaca.edu/beachler/

We will be discussing THE TEABAGGERS: Media Creation or Grassroots Democracy”?

J. David Gray – our resident scribe will join us for another segment of our SYNERGY project. he will read his essay inspired by the image "feed me" - so be sure to view the image at http://tinyurl.com/lvgvsr or http://www.jimlynchphotography.com David's other writings can be found at http://word-smith.typepad.com/wordsmith