On Air

Interzone with Chris Phillips playlist for 09/28/2012

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Label
bob mouldI apologizelive @ ATP 2008
Charter Trips
Celebrated Summer
your dj speaks
the featuresshakefloozie of the neighborhood (reissue)*
los catinoscuando digas sispanish sound: jamaican influenced music from spain 1964 - 1972*
ramonesjudy is a punkit's alive
the spitsi dig painvol. IV
your dj speaks
broken waterparanoidtempest*
lightning bolt2 morro morro landhypermagic mountain
electric wizardsatanic rites of drugulawitchcraft today
saint vitusthe waste of timelillie: f-65*
dope bodytwice the lifenatural history*
your dj speaks
godzna na naacontact high
chris corsanofed ex'd gorillacut*
john fruscianteupranepbx funicular intaglio zone*
killickyou would, stingbull*****
your dj speaks
swansthe wolfthe seer*
father yod and the source familyosiris/isisthe thought adjusters*
seed of yahowha*
sun ra arkestradawn over israelpharaoh sanders: in the beginning 1963 - 1964*
your dj speaks
mazen kerbajzrrrtbrt vrt zrt krt
hafez modirzadehfacets three/fourpost-chromodal out!*
joe morris/william parker/gerald cleavertropospherealtitude*
william parkerheavenrequiem (bass quartet feat charles gayle)
your dj speaks`
sun arawJungleFRKWYS Vol. 9 Sun Araw and Mr. G
bassdrumbonesoft shoe minglethe other parade
magic tricktortureruler of the night*